Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ender's Game


Gavin Hood

Harrison Ford, Asa Butterfield, 
Hailee Steinfeld, Viola Davis

Release Date:
Friday 01 November

      Ender's Game is a 2013 American science fiction action film based on the novel of the same name by Orson Scott Card. Directed and written by Gavin Hood, the film stars Asa Butterfield as Andrew "Ender" Wiggin, an unusually gifted child who is sent to an advanced military academy in outer space to prepare for a future alien invasion. The cast also includes Harrison Ford, Hailee Steinfeld, Viola Davis, Abigail Breslin, and Ben Kingsley.
      The film was first released in Germany on October 24, 2013, followed by the United Kingdom and Ireland a day later. It was released in the United States, Canada, and India on November 1, 2013, and will be released in many other countries through January 2014.


      In 2086, an alien species called the formics attacks Earth. Mazer Rackham, commander of a small reserve patrol force, halts their advance by appearing to sacrifice himself during their attack.
      Years later, a young cadet named Andrew "Ender" Wiggin beats Stilson at a hand-held virtual game while Colonel Hyrum Graff and Major Gwen Anderson from the International Fleet watch via hidden cameras. Ender is summoned to have the monitor on the back of his neck removed. Stilson confronts him with his gang and shoves him. Ender violently retaliates by knocking Stilson down and kicking him repeatedly in the chest. Ender returns home and confesses grief to his sister Valentine over what he did. Their older brother Peter interrupts them and convinces Ender to play a game. He starts to choke Ender, threatening to kill him but pulls back. Graff and Anderson visit the Wiggin family during dinner. They offer Ender a place in Battle School, admitting that the final test was to see Ender would do upon having his monitor removed. Graff talks privately with Ender, convincing him to accept.
      Ender is the last to arrive at the shuttle taking off for Battle School. He introduces himself to a new recruit seated across from him, Bean. A student sitting near them, Alai, throws up after the shuttle enters zero gravity. After arriving, the "launchies" are introduced to Sergeant Dap, who explains how the Battle Room at the school works. Ender, initially outcast by another launchie named Bernard, soon gains the respect of the other launchies. Anderson authorizes for Ender to discover the "mind game", a way for the school to secretly gauge the emotional state of the students in the form of a video game. Ender's form in the mind game, a mouse, meets a giant who offers him two drinks, one of which he claims is poisoned. After trying each drink, both of which cause him to die, Ender then has his character leap into the giant's eye, killing him. Anderson comments that she had never seen anyone do that.
Ender is immediately transferred to Salamander Army where he meets Commander Bonzo Madrid, Dink Meeker, and Petra Arkanian, who offers to teach him how to shoot during free time. Bonzo takes a disliking to Ender. During their first battle he orders him to hang back and observe once everyone else has entered. Ender disobeys, goes to Petra's aid and the two formulate a plan to win. Pushing off from her, Ender pretends to be frozen. Grabbing an enemy's weapon he surprise attacks and freezes many members before being frozen himself.
      Ender continues with the mind game, seeing what looks like a formic materialize and dissolve before him. He follows an animated version of Valentine to a castle which has collapsed. Inside he fights a snake and sees an animated version of Peter. Anderson is unable to explain to Graff how Ender's "psycho brother" ended up in the mind game. Graff gives Ender command of Dragon Army, which includes Alai, Bean, and Bernard. They quickly climb to the top of the rankings in the school. Despite overwhelming odds, Ender manages to defeat two armies at once, one of which includes Bonzo's Salamander Army. In retaliation, Bonzo challenges Ender to a fight in the shower. In self-defense, Ender kicks Bonzo causing him to fall backwards and hit his head.
      Ender tells Graff he wants to see his sister. When Graff refuses, Ender says he quits. Graff relents and allows Ender to return to Earth. Graff drives Valentine to a lake where Ender takes her out on a boat. She convinces him to re-enlist.
      Ender and Graff travel to Eros, where the International Fleet has established a command base in a former formic outpost. Ender meets Mazer Rackham, who says he will now program simulations to challenge him before the real battle. Assembling Ender's core friends from Battle School, together they engage in several skirmishes. "Graduation Day" is to be their final test, a simulation that takes place near the formic's home planet. By using the "Little Doctor" device Ender manages to eradicate the forces surrounding the planet. Every ship on the planet rallies to stop him but he manages to get Petra a clear shot with the device again, which annihilates everything. Graff then reveals that the "simulations" were real battles and he has destroyed all of the formics. He tells Ender he will be remembered as a hero but a remorseful Ender says he will be remembered as a killer.
      After being sedated in his room Ender comes to realize that the formics had tried to communicate with him in the Mind Game. He rushes to a mountain similar to the one he saw in the game and find a Queen with a single Queen egg remaining. It reaches out, presumably to kill him but stops when it sees him crying. He promises to find a planet for the egg. The film ends with him dictating a letter to Valentine. He's been promoted to Admiral and takes off into space in a ship with the egg.



External links:

"Main Page." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 5 Nov. 2013. Web. 5 Nov. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page>.



What do you think about this movie? 

Waiting for your comments. Thank you !

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