Friday, September 14, 2012

Looper (Sep 2012)


Directed by:
Rian Johnson

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt

Release date:
Fri 28, Sep 2012

     Looper is a 2012 American science fiction action film written and directed by Rian Johnson. The film stars Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Emily Blunt. In Looper, time travel is invented by the year 2074 and, though immediately outlawed, is used by criminal organizations to send those they want killed into the past where they are killed by "loopers", assassins paid with silver bars strapped to their targets. Joe, a looper, encounters himself when his older self is sent back in time to be killed. The film deals with themes of time alteration, age, love, crime, and parenthood.
Looper was selected as the opening film of the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival. It was released to positive reviews in Australia on September 27, 2012, and in the U.S. and the U.K. on September 28, 2012 by TriStar Pictures and Alliance Films.


     The year is 2044, and the United States has suffered economic collapse, causing severe social decay and growth in organized crime. Meanwhile China is ascendant, and characters are shown to prefer using the Chinese yuan. In addition, a strange mutation has suddenly occurred in 10% of the population, giving them minor telekinetic powers, manifested by their ability to float small objects. Thirty years into the future in 2074, time travel is invented, but is immediately outlawed. However, because by that point technology has rendered it nearly impossible to dispose of bodies secretly, crime bosses turn to the illegal technology to send their targets to the past to be killed using "loopers": hired guns paid in silver bullion to kill and dispose of whoever is sent to them. When crime bosses want to end a looper's contract, they send his older version back to be killed by his younger self (referred to as "closing the loop") and pay with gold instead of silver.
     Joseph "Joe" Simmons (Gordon-Levitt), 25, works for a mafia company in Kansas City as a "looper". Joe's boss, Abe (Daniels), was sent back in time to manage the loopers and also owns a club where Joe frequents and spends time with Suzie (Perabo), a showgirl. Abe also maintains a force of elite gangsters known as "Gat Men," headed by Kid Blue (Segan). One night, Seth (Dano), Joe's friend and a fellow looper, visits him in a panic telling him that he was supposed to close his own loop but could not do it. Before fleeing, Seth's future self had mentioned a person called the Rainmaker, who has taken over organized crime and is closing all the loops for unknown reasons.
Joe hides Seth in his floor safe and visits Abe, who tells Joe he can either give up half of the silver he has saved as a looper or give up Seth. Joe eventually tells Abe where he hid Seth, and is wracked with guilt over betraying his friend. Young Seth is tortured and maimed, his disfigurations affecting his older self, in order to force his future self to turn himself in. The Gat Men kill him and leave his younger self alive but severely disfigured.
     Joe recognizes one of his targets as his older self (Bruce Willis) and hesitates, allowing him to escape. Young Joe cuts a message into his arm to get Old Joe to visit him at a diner, where Old Joe confirms the existence of the Rainmaker. He sent his men to send Old Joe back, and also killed his wife; Old Joe killed his captors and sent himself back in order to kill the boy who will become the Rainmaker. Young Joe still plans on killing Old Joe to fulfill his contract and escape the mafia, but both of them flee when they are attacked by the Gat Men. Young Joe tears a piece of a map out of Old Joe's pocket with coordinates and a string of digits.
     Young Joe follows the coordinates to a farmhouse owned by Sara (Blunt), who lives with her son Cid (Gagnon). When Joe shows Sara the map, Sara recognizes the digits as Cid's birthday and the serial number of the hospital he was born in, prompting Young Joe to explain the situation about the Rainmaker. The database Old Joe used with the string of digits produced three possible children born on the same day in the same hospital, and he is intent on killing all three.
     As Young Joe and Sara become close, he learns that she is a telekinetic, and that Cid was raised by Sara's sister for most of his life until she was somehow killed, and Cid does not believe that Sara is his real mother. One morning, they are attacked by Gat Man Jesse (Dillahunt), who is killed when Cid falls down the stairs and lets out a telekinetic blast. His extraordinary abilities – which are far more powerful than most telekinetics - cause Young Joe to realize that Cid is the Rainmaker, and that Sara's sister was killed by Cid when he lost control of his powers. Meanwhile, Old Joe is captured by Kid Blue.
     Young Joe tells Sara and Cid to flee, surmising that the Gat Men and/or Old Joe will be heading their direction. Old Joe breaks free, killing Abe and several Gat Men but only wounding Kid Blue. As the two Joes confront each other near Sara's house, Kid Blue attacks and is killed by Young Joe. Old Joe then attempts to kill Cid, prompting Cid to let out another telekinetic blast. However, before Cid can kill Old Joe, Sara calms him down and gets him to accept her as his mother. Old Joe tries to kill Cid again, but Sara stands between them. Young Joe realizes that Sara's death at Old Joe's hands will lead to Cid becoming the Rainmaker, thus creating a closed time loop. He kills himself to erase Old Joe from existence, save Sara and prevent the Rainmaker from rising. In the aftermath, Sara finds Young Joe's silver in the van Old Joe drove.



External links:

"Main Page." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. <>. 



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House at the end of the street (Sep 2012)


Directed by:
Mark Tonderai

Jennifer Lawrence, Elisabeth Shue, Max Thieriot, Gil Bellows

Release date:
Fri 21, Sep 2012

     House at the End of the Street is a 2012 American horror-thriller film directed by Mark Tonderai and starring Jennifer Lawrence, Elisabeth Shue and Max Thieriot. The film was scheduled to be released in April 2012 but was moved to a September 21, 2012 release. It was mainly filmed in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. A tie-in novelization of the movie is released on August 21, 2012 to accompany the movie by Little, Brown Company.


     Seeking a fresh start, newly divorced Sarah (Elisabeth Shue) and her daughter Elissa (Jennifer Lawrence) find the house of their dreams in a small, upscale, rural town. But when startling and unexplainable events begin to happen, Sarah and Elissa learn the town is in the shadows of a chilling secret. Years earlier, in the house next door, a daughter named Carrie-Ann (Eva Link) killed her parents (Krista Bridges and John Healey) in their beds, and disappeared—leaving only a brother, Ryan (Max Thieriot), as the sole survivor. The neighbors explain that Carrie-Ann ran into the woods after the double murder and, though her body was never found, it was believed she drowned in the nearby dam. Ryan now lives alone in the house; the neighborhood hates him because his house drives down their property values. They want to purchase his house and demolish it, but Ryan won't sell the house.
     Weaver (Gil Bellows), a local police officer, appears to be Ryan's only supporter. Against the wishes of Elissa’s mother, Elissa and Ryan begin a relationship after he offers her a ride while she was walking home in a storm. He tells Elissa that he accidentally injured Carrie-Ann while they were swinging one day, giving her brain damage and making her extremely aggressive. For his safety, Ryan was sent away from home to take care of a sickly aunt and didn’t return home until after the murders. It is revealed to the viewer early in the film that Ryan has secretly been taking care of Carrie-Ann in a hidden room beneath a trap door in the laundry room. Carrie-Ann attacks him when he enters the room, and after sedating her, he tells her about Elissa and that he wants Carrie-Ann to leave Elissa alone. As the relationship between Ryan and Elissa progresses, Carrie-Ann escapes the room on two occasions and appears to attempt to attack Elissa. During the second escape attempt, Ryan accidentally kills Carrie-Ann while trying to hide her from some local students. In his grief, Ryan visits a diner where a Penn State student waitress (Jordan Hayes) attempts to comfort him.
     While visiting Elissa’s battle of the bands at the local high school, several high school students vandalize Ryan’s car and then attack him. While defending himself, he breaks the ankle of one of the students (Nolan Gerard Funk) and then runs home. The remaining students announce they're going to burn his house down. Elissa drives Ryan's broken car home and stops the fire, but while inside finds Ryan's secret room. Opening the door, she is attacked by Carrie-Ann right as Ryan arrives home to stop the attack. At this moment, it is revealed to the viewer that the current Carrie-Ann is actually the Penn State student from the diner, being held captive and made to look like Carrie-Ann.
     In order to keep Carrie-Ann secret, he knocks Elissa out and ties her to a chair in the secret room. He reveals that Carrie-Ann actually died during the swinging accident but that he needed Carrie-Ann in his life. He knocks out the Penn State student and while removing her body from the room says he is going to make Elissa his new Carrie-Ann so he can have them both in his life. It becomes apparent to the viewer by this point that the first "Carrie-Ann" had never attacked Elissa but rather was another victim attempting to escape from Ryan. Weaver arrives at the house after a request from Sarah. Ryan says Elissa isn't there, but Weaver hears her phone ring inside. In a scuffle with Ryan inside the dark house, Weaver is stabbed to death in the laundry room after he drops his gun and malfunctioning flash light. During this time, Elissa escapes the secret room but is chloroformed by Ryan and thrown into the trunk of his car. When she awakes, she finds the dead Penn State student in the trunk and escapes his car. Sarah arrives at the house and hears Elissa's screams, but she is stabbed by Ryan and thrown in the laundry room. In a struggle in the dark laundry room, Ryan is shot several times by Elissa using the dropped objects by Weaver, and Ryan is then knocked out by Sarah.
     On a later date, as Elissa and Sarah move out of their rented house, Elissa stares at a tree where Ryan once told her he learned the lesson that people hold multiple layers of secrets. In the final scene, Ryan is shown in a mental hospital. His inner thoughts reveal that his parents had hidden Carrie-Ann’s death to the public by dressing up Ryan as Carrie-Ann. When Ryan protested that he wasn’t Carrie-Ann, he was abused by his parents, explaining why he killed his parents years ago.



External links:

"Main Page." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Sept. 2012. Web. 30 Sept. 2012. <>. 



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End of Watch (Sep 2012)


Directed by:
David Ayer

Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Pena, Anna Kendrick, Frank Gillo, America Ferrera

Release date:
Fri 21, Sep 2012

    End of Watch is a 2012 American action-drama film written and directed by David Ayer. It stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña as Los Angeles Police Department officers who work in South Central Los Angeles. It was originally scheduled to be released on September 28, 2012, but the release was moved up a week, to September 21.


     Police officers Brian Taylor (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Mike Zavala (Michael Peña) are close friends and partners in the Los Angeles Police Department. Taylor is filming their police activities for a film project, attaching small cameras to he and Zavala's uniforms and carrying around a camcorder, much to the dismay of their peers and superiors. After shooting two suspects following a high speed chase, the officers are cleared and commended for their actions. Taylor and Zavala's antics are met with scorn by fellow officer Van Hauser (David Harbour).
     The officers respond to a call regarding a man, Mr. Tre (Cle Shaheed Sloan) scaring off a mailman while intoxicated. Upon arrival, Tre hurls racist insults at the Hispanic Zavala, who responds by accepting a fight, to Taylor's approval. Zavala beats him soundly and arrests him, but wins the man's respect for not mentioning the fight in the report. Later that night, Tre and his friends are shot at by a group of Latino gang members and one of his friends is killed. The officers find the now-burnt vehicle used in the drive-by the next day, but are shooed off the scene by homicide detectives.
     Taylor begins dating Janet (Anna Kendrick) and feels Janet is the only girl he's dated who can connect with him on an intellectual level. Taylor later marries Janet and, after a night of celebration, Zavala tells Taylor that, should anything happen to him, he will take care of her. Soon after, Zavala's wife Gabby (Natalie Martinez) gives birth to the couple's first child, Mike Jr. Janet also becomes pregnant soon after the marriage.
     Investigating the South Central area, the two pull over a man in a truck, who draws a gun during a routine traffic stop. After arresting him, the officers find an ornately decorated pistol, a gold plated AK-47, and a large amount of money in his truck. Unbeknownst to them, the money and firearms are connected to the mexican cartel operating in the South Central area. One night, the two receive an officer-in-distress call from Van Hauser's partner. Responding to the call, the two find Van Hauser calmly waiting in front with a knife in his right eye, warning the two of a large criminal around the corner. Taylor and Zavala investigate and find the man brutally beating a female police officer. Surrendering himself for arrest, the man is detained by Zavala while Taylor attends to the woman, whose face has been badly damaged.
     Responding to a missing persons report, the officers discover two children bound and locked away in a closet and arrest the distressed parents. Days later, a fire is set to the house, prompting Zavala to rush to the aid of the children as Taylor reluctantly follows, barely making it out alive. The two are commended and receive the Medal of Valor for their actions, but Taylor has mixed emotions about the situation. Using the house fire incident as leverage, Taylor convinces Zavala to further investigate the South Central incident.  Arriving at the house, Taylor and Zavala notice suspicious behavior from outside and enter. They arrest another man, who is also in possession of several ornate firearms. Investigating further, Taylor discovers a hidden stash of prisoners, indicating that they have just stumbled upon a human trafficking case. Upon exiting the building, they are reprimanded by federal officers and informed that the man had been a person of interest with possible leads to the cartel. Taylor is left confused and agitated. After deciding to respond to a more easygoing call the next day, the officers go to investigate a welfare check from an elderly woman. After receiving no response, the officers break down the door and discover a cache of decapitated corpses, tortured by cartel members. Following this, a bounty is placed on the heads of Taylor and Zavala and the gangsters from earlier begin plotting their assassinations. Tre warns them of rumors that they are now hot targets for the cartel, but they disregard his comments.
     After a short pursuit with a reckless minivan one night, the officers chase the driver into an apartment complex, where the gangsters have set up an ambush. The officers are fired upon with assault rifles and Officer Taylor is shot in the hand. Taking refuge in a small apartment, Taylor decides that they are going to have to gun their way out. Escaping the complex and awaiting backup, the two are fired upon once more and Taylor is shot in the chest.  Zavala desperately attends to him and cries out for backup, but Taylor remains unresponsive. Realizing that the gangsters have snuck up behind him, Zavala intentionally reaches for his gun and is shot repeatedly in the back and killed, but shields Taylor with his body. Backup arrives and the gangsters are gunned down violently.
     It is revealed that Taylor survived the encounter, albeit heavily injured. A funeral is held for Officer Zavala, during which Taylor tearfully declares how close the two were. In an epilogue, a clip is shown from the day of the shooting during which Zavala details hiding under his wife's parents' bed while the parents had sex. Taylor and Zavala laugh heartily, before going off to "fight crime or some shit".



External links:

"Main Page." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Sept. 2012. Web. 30 Sept. 2012. <>. 



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Resident Evil 5 Retribution (Sep 2012)


Directed by:
Paul W.S. Anderson

Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, Wentworth Miller, Sienna Guillory

Release date:
Fri 14, Sep 2012

     Resident Evil: Retribution is a 2012 science fiction thriller film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. It is the fifth installment in the Resident Evil film series, based on the Capcom survival horror video game series Resident Evil, and the third to be directed by Anderson. It is a direct follow-on from the previous film Resident Evil: Afterlife. The film has many returning actors and characters, along with new characters from the video game not featured in the previous films. Filming took place from October to December 2011 for a scheduled release date of September 14, 2012. The film was released in 3D and IMAX 3D, as well as 2D.
     The film sees Alice (Milla Jovovich) captured by the Umbrella Corporation, forcing her to make her escape from an underwater base in the Arctic Circle, used for testing the T-virus. Many characters from previous films return, including Rain Ocampo (Michelle Rodriguez), Jill Valentine (Sienna Guillory), Carlos Olivera (Oded Fehr), Luther West (Boris Kodjoe), James "One" Shade (Colin Salmon), and Albert Wesker (Shawn Roberts). Three new characters from the games appear for the first time in the franchise: Ada Wong (Li Bingbing), Leon S. Kennedy (Johann Urb), and Barry Burton (Kevin Durand).


     Following where the previous film left off, Alice (Milla Jovovich) and the others on Umbrella Corporation's Arcadia freighter are being attacked by a fleet of airships led by Alice's former ally Jill Valentine (Sienna Guillory), who is being mind-controlled by Umbrella through a red scarab device attached to her chest. Alice shoots one down and it crashes on to the ship, knocking her in to the water, unconscious.
     Taking place in what seems to be an alternate reality, Alice is living as a suburban housewife with her husband Carlos Olivera (Oded Fehr) and deaf daughter Becky (Aryana Engineer), although this peace is disrupted when zombies attack and kill Carlos. Alice and Becky escape to the streets and are rescued by Rain Ocampo (Michelle Rodriguez), who lets them board her car. As the three escape, they are hit by a truck, knocking Rain unconscious while Alice and Becky escape; Alice runs and is attacked by a zombified Carlos.
     Suddenly, the real Alice awakens in Umbrella, after being captured after the earlier fight in Arcadia. Jill appears and interrogates Alice, demanding who Alice is working for, while Alice begs Jill to remember her true identity. The power unexpectedly goes out, and when the power comes back on, Alice has escaped from her cell. Jill orders for a laser grid to chase Alice down the end of the hallway and through a door, which leads to the Toyko city landscape, identical to the previous film's opening scene, where she battles a horde of zombies that include Japan's patient zero (Mika Nakashima), before fleeing through a door that leads back to Umbrella headquarters. Finding many dead Umbrella operatives, Alice encounters Ada Wong (Li Bingbing), who she recognizes as the associate of her enemy, Albert Wesker (Shawn Roberts), who has survived the events of the previous film. Ada explains that she and Wesker no longer work for Umbrella. Wesker, who seems to have redeemed himself, reveals to Alice that he shut off the power, and plans to rescue her from the Umbrella facility, which is being controlled by the supercomputer Red Queen (Megan Charpentier and Ave Merson-O'Brian), in order to save what's left of mankind. Ada also reveals that the facility is underwater underneath ice, and that it serves as a testing ground for experiments, hence the formation of numerous replicas of cities, as well as numerous clones.
     Additionally, Wesker has organized a team of freelance operatives to infiltrate the facility and help Alice and Ada escape, including Leon S. Kennedy (Johann Urb), Barry Burton (Kevin Durand), and Luther West (Boris Kodjoe), Alice's ally from the previous film.
     Leon's team plants explosives near the entrance of the facility that would detonate in two hours and trap anybody still inside. The group plans to meet up with Alice and Ada in the simulated Raccoon City suburbia, identical to the one in Alice's flashback. Alice and Ada walk through the simulate of New York City, where they defeat two Axemen. The two manage to enter the Moscow simulation where they could meet up with Leon, however they escape to the Raccoon City suburbia after an encounter with more intelligent zombies and heavy artillery. In the suburban arena, the two find Becky, as well as Jill and her mercenaries, consisting of clones of Alice's deceased allies: Rain, Carlos and James "One" Shade (Colin Salmon). A shoot-out occurs, resulting in Ada being captured and Alice and Becky escaping. Alice and Becky run into the "good" Rain (the one encountered in Alice's dream), and head back to Moscow, where they meet up with Leon's team. The group escapes the intelligent zombies, and reach an elevator that leads them to submarines that could help them escape, although it shuts off. An enormous licker appears, with it capturing Becky and killing "good" Rain. The group pursue the Licker, where they encounter Jill's group; another battle ensues, in which Barry is killed in the process. Alice manages to rescue Becky, and rejoins Leon and Luther as the detonation occurs. The explosion results in the flooding of the facility and the deaths of One and Carlos.
     The group reaches the surface, however they are met with a submarine, where Jill, "bad" Rain and a captured Ada emerge from. With orders from the Red Queen to kill Alice, Jill battles Alice while Rain, injecting herself with the Las Plagas parasite that gives her strength and apparent invincibility, knocks out Ada, fights Leon and Luther, killing Luther. Alice manages to remove and destroy the scarab device from Jill, returning her back to normal. Alice joins Leon in fighting Rain; she notices there are zombies from the facility swimming up to the ice. She shoots the ice where Rain is standing and she falls in the water, leaving her fate to the zombies. Alice, Ada, Becky, Leon and Jill, who is no longer being controlled by the Red Queen, travel to Wesker's base: the heavily barricaded and guarded White House. Wesker injects her with the T-virus in order to return her former superhuman powers, in order to enact his plan and that she is responsible for saving the remaining humans from extinction once and for all.



External links:

"Main Page." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. <>. 



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The Words (Sep 2012)


Directed by:
Brian Klugman, Lee Sternthal

Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Irons, Zoe Saldana, Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde, Ben Barnes, John Hannah, Nora Arnezeder, J.K. Simmons

Release date:
Fri 07, Sep 2012

      The Words is a 2012 thriller film, written and directed by Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal in their directorial debut. It stars Bradley Cooper, Olivia Wilde, Zoe Saldana, Jeremy Irons, Ben Barnes, and Dennis Quaid.


     Famous author Clayton Hammond (Dennis Quaid) attends to a public reading of his new book, The Words, centered on Rory Jansen (Bradley Cooper), an aspiring writer who lives in New York City with his girlfriend, Dora (Zoe Saldana). With the help of his father (J.K. Simmons), Rory gets a job as a mail supervisor in a literary agency and attempts to sell his first novel, that is continually rejected by publishers.
     Rory and Dora eventually get married and, during their honeymoon in Paris, Dora presents Rory with an old briefcase bought from an antiques store. Returning to America, Rory finds a masterfully written manuscript in the briefcase and transcribes it to his laptop. Mistakenly assuming Rory wrote it, Dora encourages him to meet with a publisher, Joseph Cutler (Zeljko Ivanek), who offers Rory a contract upon reading the manuscript, which Rory accepts. The book is a hit, and Rory becomes an awarded author.
     Hammond takes a break from the reading and goes backstage, where he is introduced by his agent (John Hannah) to Danielle (Olivia Wilde), a student and amateur writer who wants to interview him, and notes that he is separated from his wife, although he still wears a wedding ring. Hammond agrees to meet her after the ceremony and returns to the podium, where he continues to read the book.
     The second part of the reading details Rory's encounter with the Old Man (Jeremy Irons), who reveals himself as the true author of the manuscript. He explains that, as a young man (Ben Barnes), he was stationed in France in the final days of World War II and fell in love with a waitress named Celia (Nora Arnezeder). They got married and had a daughter, but the baby died shortly after birth, leaving the couple bankrupt. Unable to cope with the loss, Celia left the Man and moved to her parents' house. The Man then used his pain as inspiration to write the manuscript, which he sent to Celia in a briefcase, convincing her to return to him. However, she forgot the briefcase in the train after her trip back to Paris, and the manuscript was lost. Infuriated, the Man abandoned Celia. Upon hearing of this, Rory attempts to credit the Old Man for the novel, but the Old Man refuses, leaving Rory alone, forced to live with his mistake.
     The public reading ends, and Danielle accompanies Hammond back to his apartment, where she pressures him into telling her how the story ends. Hammond confides with her that Rory told his wife the truth, and her disappointment was such that she left him. His attempts to give the Old Man proper credit were undone by Cutler, fearing that his reputation would be tarnished. Desperate, Rory sought the Old Man one last time, and the Old Man revealed that, years after he abandoned Celia, he spotted her in a train station as he was returning to America, having found another husband and had a daughter with him. The Old Man claims people always move on from their mistakes, as did Celia, and Rory will, too.
     Danielle continues to pressure Hammond for more details, and he reveals that the Old Man died not long after, but Rory never moved on, and was tormented by nightmares until he focused his grief on another book, one that'd allow him to tell the true story of the manuscript. Rory titled the book The Words.
     Danielle kisses Hammond, but he pulls away, fearing to move on. As he is forced to question himself and see if he is ready, he remembers Rory lying in Dora's arms as she tells him everything will be alright. It's left unclear if The Words is a semi-autobiographic book, with Rory being Hammond's surrogate.



External links:

"Main Page." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. <>. 



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The Possession (Aug 2012)


Directed by:
Ole Bornedal

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kyra Sedgwick

Release date:
Fri 31, Aug 2012

     The Possession is a 2012 horror film directed by Ole Bornedal and co-produced by Sam Raimi. It is scheduled to be released on August 31, 2012, with the film premiering at the Film4 FrightFest. The story is based on the allegedly haunted Dybbuk box. Bornedal cited films like The Exorcist as an inspiration, praising their subtlety.


     The film opens with a woman trying to open a strange box, protecting herself with holy water and a hammer. She is thrown violently around the room by an unseen force. When her son enters, she is unconscious on the floor.
     Next the audience is introduced to couple Clyde (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Stephanie Brenek (Kyra Sedgwick) who are in the process of divorce. They have two children, Em (Natasha Calis) and Hannah (Madison Davenport).
Clyde and his daughters shop at a yard sale, where Em becomes intrigued by an old box which has Hebrew inscriptions engraved on it. Clyde buys the box for her.
     They hear an animalistic noise in their kitchen one night, but when the intruder escapes through their dog flap, Clyde assumes it was a raccoon.
     Em becomes solitary and spends her spare time staring at the box. Her behavior increasingly grows more sinister and the house is infested with moths. Em's behavior gradually grows more violent. When she strikes out at a schoolmate who was trying to steal the box, she is brought to the attention of the authorities, who recommend that she spend time away from the box. That night, her teacher dies when a malevolent force throws her out a window.
     Em tells Clyde about a woman who lives in her box who says Em is "special." Her father is alarmed by her behavior. He attempts to dispose of the old box by throwing it in a garbage unit, but Em retrieves it. She seems to become totally possessed by the entity at this time.
     Clyde, immensely disturbed, takes the box to a professor at the university. The professor tells him it is a Dybbuk box and dates back to the 1920s; it was used to contain a broken spirit, an ancient Jewish evil or demon.
     Clyde immediately travels to the local Hasidic community, and learns from a Jew named Tzadok (Matisyahu) that the possession has three main stages, with the third stage being the one where the Dybbuk latches onto the host, becoming one entity with it. The only way to defeat the Dybbuk is to lock it back into the box in a forced ritual.
     At home, Em violently attacks her mother when Stephanie discovers her eating like an animal out of the refrigerator. Em is taken to the hospital for an MRI. Stephanie is horrified when she sees the Dybbuk's face in the images, next to her heart.
     Stephanie realizes Em is possessed. Clyde and Tzadok join the rest of the famly at the hospital. They attempt to conduct an exorcism but Em escapes. Clyde chases her and Em attacks him. He survives but now is possessed by the Dybbuk. Tzadok performs an exorcism which is successful: the Dybbuk crawls out of Clyde and back into the box.
     The family is reunited. Tzadok drives with the box in his vehicle. His car is hit by a truck, apparently killing him. The Dybbuk box is unharmed, with the demon still inside.



External links:

"Main Page." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. <>. 



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Lawless (Aug 2012)


Directed by:
John Hillcoat

Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Guy Pearce, Gary Oldman, Mia Wasikowska

Release date:
Fri 31, Aug 2012

     Lawless is a 2012 Prohibition-era gangster film directed by John Hillcoat based on the novel The Wettest County in the World about Franklin County, Virginia, by Matt Bondurant, which was adapted into a screenplay by Nick Cave. It stars Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke and Guy Pearce. The film competed for the Palme d'Or at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival.


     During the Prohibition era, the Bondurant brothers -- Forrest (Tom Hardy), Howard (Jason Clarke) and Jack (Shia LaBeouf) -- run a successful liquor bootlegging business in Franklin County, Virginia, with the help of their friend, Cricket Pate (Dane DeHaan), using their bar as a front for their illegal activities.
     One day, Jack witnesses mobster Floyd Banner (Gary Oldman) eliminating a competitor and they exchange looks before Jack returns to the bar, where Forrest hires Maggie Beauford (Jessica Chastain), a dancer from Chicago, to be their new waitress. Shortly afterwards, the bar is visited by brutal Special Detective Charlie Rakes (Guy Pearce), on behalf of Commonwealth's Attorney Mason Wardell. Rakes informs Forrest that he wants a cut of all profit made by Franklin's bootleggers, but Forrest refuses and threatens to kill Rakes if he returns. Forrest later meets with the other bootleggers and convinces them to stand up to Rakes as well, though they eventually give in to Rakes' violent intimidation tactics.
     Meanwhile, Jack meets Bertha Minnix (Mia Wasikowska), daughter of the local preacher. He attends the church drunk and makes a fool of himself, causing Bertha's father to forbid her from seeing him, which only makes her more interested in Jack, with whom she flirts. Jack later finds Rakes raiding Cricket's house in search of his distilation equipment. When they don't find it, Rakes brutally beats Jack when he tries to intervene. Forrest hears of this and tells Jack that he needs to learn how to fight for himself.
     Forrest and Howard arrange to meet with potential clients from Chicago, but Howard misses his appointment to get drunk with a friend, and Forrest ends up beating the two men with Cricket's help when they harrass Maggie. Later, after Cricket leaves, the men return, slash Forrest's throat, and rape Maggie.
     Howard and Jack meet a surviving Forrest at the hospital, and Jack decides to travel to Chicago with Cricket to sell the liquor. Arriving there, they are doublecrossed by their clients, but are rescued by Banner, who recognizes Jack. Banner already knows of the attack on Forrest, as well as the identities of the two assailants, and he provides Jack with their address, and also advises Jack that they are working for Rakes. Forrest and Howard later find, torture, and kill the men to send a message to Rakes.
    Banner becomes a regular client of the brothers, who move their distilation equipment to the woods and have great profit. The money allows Jack to continue courting Bertha, while Forrest begins a relationship with Maggie after she moves into the bar for her safety, though she doesn't tell him she was raped.
     Jack eventually decides to show Bertha the distilation center, but they are ambushed by Rakes and his men, who had followed her. Howard incapacitates Rakes and Jack nearly kills him before they are forced to flee from Rakes's men with Bertha and Cricket, who is later recaptured and murdered by Rakes, who snaps his neck.
     Wanting revenge for Cricket's death, Jack goes to confront Rakes and his men at a roadblock in the local bridge. Howard follows after him, rallying the bootleggers to come to their aid. Forrest decides to join them, though Maggie tries to dissuade him, telling him that it was she who had found him with his throat slashed and took him to the hospital. Forrest realizes then that she was also attacked that night, but Maggie continues to deny having been raped.
     The bootleggers engage Rakes' men in a violent firefight, during which Rakes shoots Forrest multiple times before being shot in the leg and attempting to escape. A wounded Jack follows him to the bridge and shoots Rakes in the chest, wounding him. Howard later stabs Rakes with a large knife and leaves him to bleed to death.
     With Rakes and his men dead, the Bondurant Brothers decide to save their money and retire after Prohibition ends. Jack marries Bertha, Forrest marries Maggie, and Howard marries a local woman, all having children.
Several years later, during a reunion at Jack's house, Forrest drunkly dances on a frozen lake and falls into the freezing water, dying of pneumonia a few weeks later.



External links:

"Main Page." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. <>. 



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The Apparition (Aug 2012)


Directed by:
Todd Lincoln

Ashley Greene, Sebastian Stan, Tom Felton, Julianna Guill, Luke Pasqualino, Suzanne Ford

Release date:
Fri 24, Aug 2012

     The Apparition is a 2012 American horror film written and directed by Todd Lincoln and starring Ashley Greene, Sebastian Stan, Tom Felton, Julianna Guill and Luke Pasqualino.


     May 21, 1973: Six people are conducting The Charles Experiment; a para-pyschological experiment. They look at a drawing of a deceased man, Charles Reamer, and with all of them concentrating at the same time, they hope to be able to summon his spirit into the room.
     Years later, four college students, Patrick (Tom Felton), Lydia (Julianna Guill), Greg (Luke Pasqualino), and Ben (Sebastian Stan) attempt to recreate the Charles Experiment on a larger scale by using modern technology to amplify their concentration over 400 times the original. During the experiment, something attacks the students and pulls Lydia into the wall.
     The movie switches to Ben's girlfriend Kelly (Ashley Greene) who lives in a nearly empty subdivision along with their neighbors Mike (Rick Gomez), his young daughter Maggie (Anna Clark) and their dog Pepper. One evening, Ben and Kelly discover strange burn marks on their counters. They lock the doors, but Kelly awakens in the middle of the night to find both doors wide open. They decide to change the locks and install surveillance cameras.
     Later, Kelly finds that Pepper has wandered into her house. As she follows him, he walks into the laundry room and collapses. The dog is taken to the vet, where it dies. Returning home, Kelly notices the floor in the laundry room has begun peeling. She removes some of the linoleum and finds a large amount of mold and spores, Ben finds even more in a crawlspace.
     Later, Ben finds 36 "Urgent" emails from Patrick in his inbox that first invite him to a new attempt at the Charles Experiment, followed by a warning that "containment failed" and finally "you are in danger". Attachments to the emails include footage of the new experiment, this time amplifying their signal to that of 4000 people.
     Kelly calls for Ben and shows him her closet, in which all of the clothes have been trashed. They begin to hear noises throughout the house. Ben talks Kelly into camping in the yard and agrees to keep watch overnight. During the night, Ben leaves his watch post in the tent to investigate a noise. While he is gone, three of the camera feeds to the surveillance monitor go blank. The last remaining camera falls to the ground and begins to move towards the sleeping Kelly.
     The next day, while Kelly is gone, Ben finds another large chunk of mold growing. He prods at it with a broom, causing it to break open and reveal a figurine inside that had been used during the previous experiment. Later, Kelly discovers Ben's equipment from the experiment, including a recording of Lydia's disappearance. She confronts Ben, who admits to taking part in it and apologizes for not telling her sooner. After witnessing another appearance by the apparition, they decide to stay at a hotel, but they're attacked there as well and flee.
     While on the run, they receive a call from Patrick and agree to meet with him. Once together, Patrick explains that the initial experiment enabled a malevolent spirit entity to enter their world and further attempts to contain it have failed. Patrick also mentions he has built a room surrounded by a negative current that he believes protects him from the spirit.
     They return to Kelly and Ben's house to try a new experiment to contain the entity, this time using the city's power to simulate the power of 400,000 people. While setting up, Kelly becomes trapped in the laundry room with the spirit, but it disappears. During the experiment, the house begins to shake and break apart, until silence.
     While Kelly and Ben are cleaning out the house, Patrick is pulled into darkness and vanishes. They return to find his chair empty and various objects merged with parts of the house. Unable to find Patrick, the two leave for the safety chamber in Patrick's house.
     Inside Patrick's house, Ben and Kelly hear Patrick's personal log being played back, including information about the members of the original experiment. Of the original six, two died, one committed suicide and the other three simply disappeared. After entering and closing the cage, the lights go out, and when they come back Ben has disappeared. Kelly exits the chamber and finds Ben's contorted corpse beyond the door. She leaves the house and sees her truck being absorbed into the ground as well.
     As Kelly wanders aimlessly, Patrick's narration explains that the first experiment made the group a beacon for the entity, while the second one helped it cross into their world. He further explains that it gets stronger with each person it claims, and that it will wear its victims down until they're too weak to resist.
     As day breaks, Kelly's wandering leads to a Costco. Inside, she walks to the camping section, enters a tent, zips the door closed, and waits. Having given up resisting, a number of hands appear from behind and slowly grab hold of her as the movie cuts to black.



External links:

"Main Page." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. <>. 



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Hit and Run (Aug 2012)


Directed by:
Dax Shepard, David Palmer

Kristen Bell, Bradley Cooper, Tom Arnold, Beau Bridges, Kristin Chenoweth, David Koechner, Michael Rosenbaum, Joy Bryant, Ryan Hansen

Release date:
Wed 22, Aug 2012

Budget           $2 million
Box office            $12,956,681

    Hit and Run is a 2012 American romantic action comedy film written by Dax Shepard, with David Palmer and Shepard co-directing again (their first film being Brother's Justice in 2010). The film stars Shepard, Kristen Bell, Kristin Chenoweth, Tom Arnold, and Bradley Cooper. It was released worldwide on August 22, 2012.


     A former getaway driver busts out of his Witness Protection Program identity in order to help his girlfriend get to Los Angeles. His former gang, his girlfriend's ex-lover, and the inept United States Marshal assigned to him chase after them.



External links:

"Main Page." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. <>. 



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